Robot Framework Selenium Library FAQ
1. What are Robot Framework Dictionaries?
Robot Framework dictionaries are a type of variable that store data in key-value pairs, similar to dictionaries in Python. Unlike lists, which are accessed by their index, dictionaries are accessed by their keys. This allows you to use meaningful names to access your data, making your code more readable and maintainable.
… search_term1=Robot Framework
… search_term2=SeleniumLibrary
# Accessing the value of ‘search_term1’
Log To Console ${search_terms.search_term1}
2. How can I use Robot Framework Dictionaries to manage multiple test environments?
Dictionaries are very useful for managing test environments. You can create a dictionary where the keys represent the environment names (e.g., QA, UAT, Prod) and the values represent the corresponding URLs. Then, you can use a variable to store the current environment and access the correct URL dynamically.
… QA=
… UAT=
… Prod=
Open Browser ${URLs.${ENVIRONMENT}} Chrome
3. What is the difference between Set Selenium Implicit Wait and Set Browser Implicit Wait?
Both keywords set an implicit wait, which tells Selenium to wait for a certain amount of time before throwing an exception when an element is not found.
- Set Selenium Implicit Wait sets a global implicit wait that applies to all browser instances opened by Selenium within the test suite or script.
- Set Browser Implicit Wait sets an implicit wait that applies only to the current browser instance. If you open a new browser instance, the implicit wait will not be applied.
4. How do I handle alerts in Robot Framework?
Robot Framework’s SeleniumLibrary provides several keywords for interacting with JavaScript alerts:
- Handle Alert: Handles the alert (accept, dismiss, or leave open) and optionally verifies its text.
- Alert Should Be Present: Verifies that an alert is present and optionally checks its text.
- Alert Should Not Be Present: Verifies that an alert is not present.
- Input Text Into Alert: Types text into a prompt alert and optionally handles it.
Click Button alert_button # Triggers a JavaScript alert
Handle Alert accept
5. What is the purpose of using the Run Keyword If statement in Robot Framework?
Run Keyword If is used to implement conditional logic in your test cases. It allows you to execute different keywords or blocks of keywords based on the evaluation of a condition. You can also use ELSE IF and ELSE clauses to handle multiple conditions.
${items_count}= Get Element Count css:.item
Run Keyword If ${items_count} == 10 Log To Console 10 items found
… ELSE IF ${items_count} > 5 Log To Console More than 5 items found
… ELSE Log To Console Less than 5 items found
6. What are the different variable scopes in Robot Framework?
Robot Framework has four variable scopes:
- Global scope: Variables defined in the *** Variables *** section are available globally to all test cases within the same file.
- Test suite scope: Variables defined at the test suite level are available to all test cases within that suite.
- Test case scope: Variables defined within a test case are only accessible within that specific test case.
- Local scope: Variables defined within a keyword are only visible within that keyword’s scope.
7. How do I work with frames in Robot Framework?
The SeleniumLibrary provides keywords for interacting with frames in web pages:
- Select Frame: Switches the context of your test to a specific frame.
- Unselect Frame: Switches the context back to the parent frame or the main document.
- Current Frame Should Contain: Verifies that the currently selected frame contains specific text.
- Frame Should Contain: Verifies that a specific frame contains text without switching to it.
Select Frame iframe_id
Element Should Be Visible element_inside_frame
Unselect Frame
8. What are the advantages of using data-driven testing in Robot Framework?
Data-driven testing allows you to separate your test data from your test logic, making your tests more maintainable and reusable. You can store your test data in external files like CSV and easily execute the same test case with different data sets, reducing code duplication and improving test coverage.
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